
I am now active on presscue, where there are no moderators or censorship.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Good bye, reddit

Dear redditors,

I have spent almost two wonderful years reading, submitting, and commenting on reddit. But yesterday, I realized that the founders of reddit, whom I always considered to be wonderful people, were just businessmen, and for them, reddit was just a business.

In order to protect their most prized submitter qgyh2, they are accusing me of fabricating screenshots with the aim of tarnishing qgyh2's image. It's now my word against the founders of reddit so I don't blame you if you believe them. It is interesting that it took spez six hours to come that conclusion, when all he had to do was to execute a simple SQL statement. I wonder why, when spez insists that those message don't exist in their database at all, qgyh2 keeps on alleging that I edited them.

While am still grateful to spez and the team to creating this wonderful service, I feel hurt by their actions. Therefore, after I post this message on reddit, I am going to delete my account, and never visit reddit again.

I wish you all the best,


Anonymous said...

So where else might one go to experience today what reddit once provided?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Apparently redreddit has left reddit for presscue.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah! You take your toys and go home, those bullies don't play fair!!!!

Anonymous said...

polymeme.com works.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of suicide notes from those weirdo geek types who kill themselves for their girlfriends...except the girlfriends tell everyone that they didn't even know the deceased name.

Honestly, why do we care if you go away?

Anonymous said...

I think you are absolutely right, that's why me and my friends thought that it would be very interesting (especially for those who got banned for no reason at all) to create a content sharing web site as a social experiment where all content is managed by users. No more heavy-handed administrators and over-zealous moderators. Please check it out and see what you think. We appreciate any comment.

Anonymous said...

I've seen a lot of unfairness in different web sites, not only on digg, so me and my friends thought that it would be very interesting to create a content sharing web site as a social experiment where all content is managed by users. No more heavy-handed administrators and over-zealous moderators. Will users be able to control content in a sensible way by themselves? Please check it out and see what you think. We appreciate any comment.

http://www.infomate.org - a self-regulatory information sharing community

Anonymous said...

Yea I have to agree with you. Reddit isn't what it once was. Take for instance the posts that have been made here. Reddit was once a really good site. Now it sux ass! You're better off without it!

Longchamp said...

I was censored on reddit as well. My comments are often...abrasive. And, with no warning or message, i was limited to making comments only once every 9 minutes.

Anonymous said...

3tags - A website similar to reddit. But without censorship. http://3tags.org

Anonymous said...

A smarter way to share content + no censorship: http://3tags.org/